Installing the Virtual Edition PBX

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Create a new VM by importing the .OVA file

In VMWare VirtualCenter, this is done from the file->import menu:

Enter either the URL of the download image, or browse for the local file on your computer where it was saved.

You will then be prompted to accept the ipcortex licence agreement which you must do in order to proceed. The import wizard will then step you through the VM creation process. Accepting the defaults is mostly OK for an evaluation/development environment, with a minimal resource footprint on your virtualisation platform, but please note the following if you intend to use the image heavilly:

You should review the recommended values above and consider increasing the VM resources in line with these. Using “thick provisioned, eager zeroed” will take longer to initially provision the PBX, but will enable more consistent performance.

Once the VM is installed, you are ready to configure and licence the unit. These next steps will require that the PBX has network connectivity, but please note that the virtual netwoirk adapters are initially disabled in the image file. This is because the PBX could conflict with other devices on your network on its default IP address of

Configuring the network and licencing the PBX

On the device console, login using the username: pabx, and password pabx. This login is only permitted from the emulated console, not the network.

Set Network Address and Reboot

Using the Cursor up/down and ENTER keys, select the Network network configuration, edit each of the fields to configure the static IP address allocated to the unit, netmask, default router, primary and secondary DNS servers for the network. When complete, click OK.

Running DHCP on the PBX

If you are adding the PABX to an existing data network which already has DNS and DHCP servers then you must read the Getting Started section of the Installation and Administration Guide to determine how to configure the existing DNS and DHCP servers to incorporate the PABX into the existing network. In this case, perform this configuration and then skip to Licencing below.

Running DHCP on the PBX can make phone provisioning much more straightforward as the DHCP and built in DNS server on the PBX will guarantee the correct settings for phone provisioning.

To do this, go into the DHCP option on the PABX console and either select the DHCP Server option using the space bar to toggle the settingt as required.

If enabled, clicking OK takes you to a subsequent screen where the DHCP range, default server, and DNS servers given to DHCP clients can be set.

Note that the DHCP server will not actually come up until after you complete the licencing step below, so you will need to set a static IP address on the device you are using to access the web interface in the step below.

Rebooting the PBX

After setting these correctly, select OK, and then Save and Exit. The PABX will then reboot when you accept the prompt.


If you haven’t already done so, enable the first virtual NIC on the PBX VM and connect it to the network that it will be operating on. Use a browser on a network connected device to access the web interface of the PABX by typing the IP address into the URL bar, then login using the username admin and password password.

The PBX will display a message that it is unlicenced saying:

“No valid licence installed: PABX configuration changes will not be applied.”

To licence the unit, you will need the activation key we have supplied. Once you have this to hand, click on the licence information text, then on the licencing sceen click “Fetch new Key, enter your activation key and click OK.

Once the licence fetch is confirmed, you need to click submit to actually apply the new licence that was generated using the activation key. After 30 seconds or so, when you navigate around the web interface, the new licence will have been applied and the warning message disappears. Your PBX image is now ready to use. Next you should configure a basic configuration.